CSSR Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) are established as a response to requests from many CSSR participants to leverage their sectoral expertise and contribute to the Syrian-owned and -led political process facilitated by the OSE-Syria. Civil society TWG participants are part of the CSSR and participate in the work of the TWGs on a voluntary basis.

TWGs have been introduced to build on the Syrian civil society’s broad range of expertise, strengthen Syrian ownership of the CSSR, and enhance intra-Syrian civil society dialogue on substantive issues. TWGs also aimed at facilitating more substantive engagement with the SE, DSE and the OSE political team and providing broader opportunities for civil society advocacy on key thematic issues. TWGs are established through the CSSR online collaborative platform and will allow civil society actors to engage each other and the UN regardless of their geographic location and ability to travel. For further information please check the FAQ in the link below: