Key figures

Since its inception, the CSSR has convened more than 94 formal physical and virtual meetings.
4 Thematic Working Groups convened physically in Geneva with the Special Envoy and the Deputy Special Envoy between February 2022 and May 2023 on 1) civic space and values, 2) economy, recovery, and development, 3) local governance and decentralization and 4) protection priorities. The groups also met with ISSG member states and other international actors. These meetings in person were preceded by months of online discussions between participants of each TWGs.
6 high-level advocacy events were conducted physically and virtually in Brussels between 2017 to 2022 including messages in the Ministerial Meeting (MM) and one CSSR message delivered in May 2023 on the margins of the MM on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”.
The OSE-Syria CSSR team conducted 36 virtual outreach activities with civil society actors from 2017 – 2023 with CSSR contacts in both hard-to-reach and besieged areas in Syria, such as Eastern Ghouta, Raqqa, Deir El Zor, Idlib and the south-west, as well as with refugee communities based in Lebanon, Jordan and Türkiye, and with Afrin- and Erbil-based civil society organisations and networks.
21 outreach missions were conducted by the OSE-Syria CSSR team including to Beirut (Lebanon), Istanbul and Gaziantep (Türkiye), Amman (Jordan), and Erbil (Kurdistan Region of Iraq). In addition, several informal outreach meetings were conducted by the CSSR team in the region.
4 rounds of regional consultations took place in Beirut, Gaziantep, Amman, and Erbil in 1) July 2017, 2) December 2018 to January 2019, 3) February to June 2020, and 4) June 2021.
10 CSSR rounds have taken place in Geneva between 2016 and 2020, with most of them taking place in parallel to the UN-led intra-Syrian talks.
9 small CSSR delegations met with Special Envoy Pedersen and Deputy Special Envoy Matar between April 2019 and December 2020 to provide input and advocate on key priorities regarding a range of thematic issues.

As of December 2023, participation in the CSSR is as follows:
Estimated total reach of the CSSR in terms of inclusion: 1129 interlocutors and more than 645 civil society organizations who participated in CSSR-related activities.
Number of interlocutors, including networks representing multiple NGOs, in the CSSR database: 1129, including 483 (43%) women and 646 (57%) men.
Geographical balance in the CSSR: Inside Syria 427 (38%), outside Syria and in the diaspora 702 (62%).
Number of interlocutors by country of residence: Syria 427(38%), Turkey 328 (29%), Jordan 77(7%), Lebanon 46 (4%), Europe 157 (14%), Iraq 66 (6%), others 28 (2%)
Progression in participation