CSSR Thematic Working Groups convene physically in Geneva

Geneva, 28 February 2022
Several months since their launch via the CSSR digital platform, the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Syria convened in Geneva the Thematic Working Groups of the Civil Society Support Room on the topics of civic space and values, as well as on the economy, recovery, and development perspectives. Participants who could not travel were able to participate virtually via the CSSR digital platform.
During this four-day meeting, the TWGs will continue to discuss the substantive issues covered in the respective groups, building on the work they conducted in previous sessions held virtually over the last few months. At the beginning of the round of consultations, UN Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen took careful note of the substantive and diverse inputs shared by the participants.
Earlier this week, Mr. Pedersen told the UN Security Council in his briefing that he looks forward to look resuming this direct engagement and to hearing the views, suggestions and ideas of this broad array of Syrian civil society actors.