Virtual Youth Meeting 26-27 June

On 26 and 27 June 2024, swisspeace and OSE-Syria engaged through digital means with around 50 Syrian civil society youth actors based in different areas insides Syria and in neighboring countries.

On the first day, swisspeace held an introductory session on the theory and concepts in conflict resolution and key concepts of peace mediation, including the different tracks, principles of mediation and shared reflection on multi-track approaches in peacebuilding.

On the second day, OSE-Syria provided a briefing on the political process and OSE’s mediation efforts. They also detailed the structure, objectives, activities and impact of the CSSR. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and receive clarifications on a range of topics.

The engagement followed the initiative of a number of Syrian youth-led CSOs and reflects the CSSR’s interest in furthering its engagement with Syrian young women and men from within civil society.