Virtual Regional Consultations

Executive Summary

The OSE-Syria Civil Society Support Room (CSSR) organized virtual regional consultations with Syrian civil society from 21 to 29 June 2021. The Regional Consultations were held in parallel sessions for all regional locations, and included engagement with the Special Envoy (SE) Geir O. Pedersen and Deputy Special Envoy (DSE) Khawla Matar at the beginning and end of the week in conference-like sessions with all participants. Invitations were open to all CSSR participants and some 130 Syrian civil society representatives took part in the event.

Participants were then divided into five regional groups and each group worked for two days with the facilitation of rapporteurs selected from each group. Each group prepared a paper summarizing their discussion and presenting recommendations. Rapporteurs from all groups had a session to brief each other on their group discussions. They then presented their papers to the SE and all other participants during the closing session.

Reports prepared by group rapporteurs are accessible on the left side of this page.