Outreach meeting with Syrian civil society actors based in France

As part of the CSSR outreach, the Deputy Special Envoy Najat Rochdi held four group meetings on 28 and 29 November 2024 with Syrian civil society organizations in Paris. DSE Rochdi met with representatives of the Syrian Women Political Movement (SWPM) and the Youth Empowerment Platform, and organizations focused on human rights, documentation, relief, accountability, and on the detainees and missing people.

DSE Rochdi briefed on recent diplomatic engagement of the OSE-Syria aimed at moving the political process forward, including finding a solution to the impasse of the Constitutional Committee. Discussion also focused on recent developments in the country and the region and implications for the political process. Participants spoke about the situation of Syrian refugees, including their protection concerns following the crossing of more than half a million people fleeing the Israeli airstrikes. They stressed the importance of the UN monitoring of Syrian refugees. Participants shared their expectations and hopes regarding the new International Independent Institution on the Missing Persons (IIMP). The SWPM briefed on their work and the importance to having their platform represented in the political discussions. Interlocutors spoke of the Youth, Peace and Security agenda and the importance of the inclusion of youth in the political process. They conveyed that many among the Syrian youth diaspora are losing their Syrian identity.

DSE Rochdi briefed of upcoming CSSR meetings, including a youth townhall on 19 December and invited interlocutors to share invitation with their youth networks. She also informed of the intention of OSE to convene a CSSR working group on education with experts and practitioners in 2025.