Thematic Working Group on Local Governance and Decentralization is launched
On Tuesday 27th of September 2022, the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy for Syria (OSE-Syria) launched the third thematic working group in the framework of the CSSR activities. The group consists of 22 Syrian civil society experts, practitioners and researchers on local governance and decentralization. The Deputy Special Envoy for Syria Ms. Najat Rochdi provided opening remarks and stressed the importance of fully involving Syrian civil society in participatory processes, and noted how policy and practice benefit from hearing and learning from wider civil society dialogues. To read more about Ms. Rochdi’s impression follow this link.
The members of the thematic working group on local governance and decentralization will collaborate online for the next few months and develop recommendations, which will then be presented to the OSE-Syria and other relevant actors at an in-person meeting in Geneva.
If you want to know more about the functioning of thematic working groups, consult the TWG FAQ.