OSE-Syria convened a small group of Syrians civil activists (13) living in Switzerland or in nearby France in an in-person meeting in Geneva on 12 December 2023 to exchange on recent development in Syria and the region and on the priorities of Syrian civic actors in Switzerland and the region.
During the two-hours meeting, the Deputy Special Envoy first provided an update on the status of the political process, clarifications on the steps-for-steps approach as well as an update of the Women Advisory Board and the CSSR consultations.
In the Q&A session, participants focused on the importance of broadening participation in the political process including actors from Northeastern Syria, the socio-economic situation across different areas of control, the need for the steps-for-steps approach to tackle human rights issues, the situation of refugees and internally displaced persons, and the role of civil society in advocating for progress on the political process.